The Wynnewood address is:
5807 Oakland Road
Halethorpe, MD 21227
(410) 242-3632
Driving time from the pool is 30 minutes or 25.77 miles. Please be aware that rush hour traffic can be a problem. Allow enough time to get to the pool for warm ups.
Directions from their website are below:
Wynnewood Swim club:
What Happens at the Novice Meet?
Our team will congregate on the area adjacent to the pool. Park in the back parking lot. You will not need a tent, but you will need chairs and a blanket or Neat Sheet to sit on. The Wynnewood pool serves hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade french fries, drinks, and desserts. You can purchase t-shirts at this meet.
The Novice Meet runs late. Coach Jill will hand out medals and ribbons at the conclusion of the meet. Heat winners for each heat will win a rubber playground ball. Your child's name will be written on the ball.